Monday, August 24, 2020

Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Correspondence - Essay Example Focus of conversation in this paper is correspondence as â€Å"a procedure of sharing realities, thoughts, feeling contemplations and data through discourse, composing, motion or image between at least two person†. In any case, when all is said in done perspective, correspondence is the strategy of cooperating with peers. The technique of correspondence empowers sharing of thoughts, musings and feeling. Consistently people interface with their families and companions that give them noteworthy chances to share their sentiments, discernments, wants and other individual with other yet it would have been outlandish without correspondence. Consequently, it very well may be expressed that correspondence is one of the most obvious and basic procedures and is fundamental to the human life. Procedure of correspondence comprises of four significant segments, for example sender, message, collector, and input which are prepared through verbal and non-verbal methods. For example, correspon dence can happen both through verbal and non-verbal methods of correspondence, for example, mouth in verbal systems and visual, aural and signal in non-verbal strategies. Sender is the individual who transmit message, collector are the individuals who gets message from the sender. Messages encase realities, sentiments and thoughts of the sender. The procedure closes with input that contains receiver’s reacts and answer to the message sent by the sender. Through the help of input, sender can distinguish the receivers’ response level. Correspondence process is likewise influenced because of the current boundaries which are of two sorts, for example inner hindrance and outside boundary. Inward boundary by and large involves poor listening capacity, absence of consideration between the gatherings, question, and individual issues. Outer correspondence boundary can be followed during awful association in the telephone, arrange issue, and commotion (Samovar, 2009). Subsequent ly, it very well may be expressed that correspondence has made human life basic. Verbal Communication Language is one of the imperative necessities for the correspondence system. Correspondence handled with the assistance of words is perceived as verbal correspondence. In the earlier portrayal it has been informed that verbal correspondence contains two strategies oral and composed correspondence. During Verbal correspondence or oral correspondence one gathering sends message to another gathering, through discourse. In the event that the audience and speaker can grasp with the each other than the procedure of verbal correspondence can make progress (Business Studies, n.d). Figure: Process of verbal correspondence Feedback Source: (Buffalo State University, n.d.) Verbal correspondence happens through the above technique. Speakers initially encode the message through the best possible channel. Verbal correspondence station can be calls and eye to eye connections. Subsequent to encodin g the message, unraveling process is done and the messages are transmitted to the audience. Input is the assessment of the collector as passed on to the sender. Through this procedure audience reacts and the speaker can perceive the other party. In this way, correspondence can be expressed as a persistent procedure occurring in the day by day life of human

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cross Culture Managment - South Korea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cross Culture Managment - South Korea - Essay Example The capital of South Korea, Seoul is additionally the city covering its biggest zone of land. Korea was an enormous district that went under partition into its North and South segments after the finish of World War II. Since the two pieces of Korea were not in a decent cordial connection from the hour of their development, in this way, it brought about wars between them. The war was a venturing stone for the southern locale, as after the war their economy saw a sensational blast that altered the acknowledgment and position of the nation in its neighborhood (Haggett, 2002). With the conservative blast, that the nation experienced gave an ascent to the way of life of its residents, accordingly boosting its social division. Over the progression of time, it built up its mechanical, transport, fabricating, modern and monetary segment remarkably that it made its place on the planet rankings. The nation has a high populace thickness, as a colossal number of individuals possess a relatively little real estate parcel. Different societies do no rule the Korean populace and it has gone under perception that a bigger extent of the masses comprises of individuals of Korean race and Chinese individuals shapes a minority. South Korea doesn't limit its inhabitants to rehearse a specific religion and have the freedom to follow their strict ceremonies. A major group of the individuals follows â€Å"Christianity and Buddhism, though Islam, Shamanism, Confucianism, Chondogyo are the religions that goes under training by the minorities† (USA International Business Publications, 2005). South Korea is a popularity based nation that goes under the initiative of President however the force doesn't go under imprisonment just in the hands of the president. Enactment and Judiciary additionally have rights on the intensity of settling on legitimate choices. Culture of South Korea Korean language by and large known as Hangul by the locals goes under basic utilization to speak with ea ch other. This language discovers its root from an antiquated language known as Altaic, which was generally spoken hundreds of years back. Hangul is well comprehendible and reasonable by local people regardless of the way that it has a considerable amount of structures and accents (Connor, 2009). The language is basic and simple and because of this explanation, one can learn it easily without trouble. It likewise adds to one of the accomplishments of the nation that is to have a commonly qualified and taught populace. Despite the fact that Hangul don't relate a lot to the Chinese language, still some Chinese characters come in relationship with it as an impact of the minor Chinese populace living in the South Korea. English being a general language holds its significance among Koreans also, accordingly, schools have made English as a subject of learning (Connor, 2009). The disposition of the Korean populace has considered a to be as prior individuals had imagining that was increasin gly preservationist and sex segregation went under finding in statures. This pattern saw an extreme turn after the boosting of the economy and the observations towards the young ladies went under change. Openings came into the arrangement to the females in the realm of business. The open doors built up the idea of independence and freedom in females and they not, at this point made themselves reliant on their male life partners, which elevated their situation in the general public (Connor, 2009). Notwithstanding of all the achievement and additions that South Korea has encountered, it has held its history and has not

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The 100 Most Important Books of the 2000s Critical Linking, September 18

The 100 Most Important Books of the 2000s Critical Linking, September 18 Sponsored by The 7 ½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton. But what if you could start a canon from scratch? We thought it might be fun to speculate (very prematurely) on what a canon of the 21st century might look like right now. A couple of months ago, we reached out to dozens of critics and authors â€" well-established voices (Michiko Kakutani, Luc Sante), more radical thinkers (Eileen Myles), younger reviewers for outlets like n+1, and some of our best-read contributors, too. We asked each of them to name several books that belong among the most important 100 works of fiction, memoir, poetry, and essays since 2000 and tallied the results. The purpose was not to build a fixed library but to take a blurry selfie of a cultural moment. Check out the full listâ€"what would you add? Amy Pascal’s Pascal Pictures has acquired Ayesha at Last, a Muslim romantic dramedy novel by Uzma Jalaluddin. Eric Fineman and Isabel Siskin will be the execs shepherding it. The novel, which was published in Canada and will debut in the U.S. next year, is a present day retelling of Pride and Prejudice set in a Muslim community in Toronto. We U.S. readers will have to wait until 2019 to get our hands on the book. Connie Perry, the president of the trustees of the Morgan County Public Library in Berkeley Springs, W.Va., said Friday afternoon by phone that her town library will carry Bob Woodward’s “Fear.” Perry said the library board did not know that the library director had refused to accept a donated copy of “Fear” until the issue was raised in media reports. The director of the Berkeley Springs library originally said they dont carry Fear, and wouldnt answer questions about her decision. Sign up to Today In Books to receive  daily news and miscellany from the world of books.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Qué es Global Entry para acelerar paso por control migratorio

El paso por el control migratorio para ingresar a Estados Unidos puede, en ocasiones, ser especialmente largo pudiendo demorarse por mà ¡s de una hora. Esta molestia se puede evitar enrolà ¡ndose en el programa Entrada Global (Global Entry, en inglà ©s) que, ademà ¡s, puede utilizarse con el mismo fin en un nà ºmero limitado de otros paà ­ses. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre quià ©nes se pueden enrolar en el programa, cà ³mo se solicita el ingreso, en quà © consiste el trà ¡mite de la entrevista, razones de negacià ³n de la solicitud y quà © es la Global Entry Card. Quià ©nes se pueden enrolar en el programa Global Entry No todas las personas pueden solicitar beneficiarse de Global Entry. Es preciso cumplir con una serie de requisitos, el primero de los cuales es el de nacionalidad o situacià ³n migratoria ya que es necesario estar en una de las siguientes categorà ­as: Ser estadounidense o residente permanente legal en los Estados Unidos.O ser ciudadano de Argentina, India, Colombia, Mà ©xico, Panamà ¡, Singapore, Holanda, Reino Unido, Suiza, Alemania  y Corea del Sur. Los miembros de Global Entry pueden beneficiarse de paso de control migratorio rà ¡pido en esos paà ­ses, ademà ¡s de en Estados Unidos. Los canadienses y los residentes permanentes legales en Canadà ¡ no pueden solicitar ingreso a Global Entry. Sin embargo, gozan de beneficios similares a travà ©s del programa NEXUS  (que tambià ©n sirve para cruzar la frontera terrestre). Ademà ¡s, son requisitos para obtener la aprobacià ³n de la solicitud de enrolamiento en Global Entry no ser un riesgo para la seguridad de los Estados Unidos y  que la la Policà ­a Fronteriza de Estados Unidos (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) apruebe dicha peticià ³n. Aunque este programa es principalmente utilizado por viajeros que pasan frecuentemente a travà ©s de las fronteras estadounidenses, à ©sta no es una condicià ³n y, de hecho, puede aplicar cualquier persona que cumpla con los requisitos mencionados anteriormente. En el caso de menores de 18 aà ±os, es necesario el consentimiento expreso de los padres o guardianes legales. Cà ³mo solicitar ser miembro del programa Entrada Global La aplicacià ³n debe hacerse por internet en la pà ¡gina web del Departamento de Seguridad Interna. Debe crearse una cuenta para este fin. Si solicitan varios miembros de una misma familia, hay que crear una cuenta independiente para cada uno, incluidos los nià ±os. Ademà ¡s, debe pagarse $100 en concepto de tarifa o arancel. Este dinero no se recupera en el caso de que la solicitud sea denegada. El pago a de hacerse con tarjeta de crà ©dito o mediante transferencia bancaria. Una vez que la CBP recibe la aplicacià ³n, si la aprueba condicionalmente entonces procede a enviar un correo electrà ³nico a la cuenta previamente creada en el programa Entrada Global citando al solicitante para una entrevista que tendrà ¡ lugar en un centro autorizado, conocido en inglà ©s como enrollment center. Sin embargo, existe tambià ©n la opcià ³n de que una vez que se ha recibido comunicacià ³n de la aprobacià ³n condicional la persona beneficiada opte por lo que se conoce como enrollment on arrival. Esto es, la entrevista tendrà ¡ lugar una vez que se llega a un aeropuerto a Estados Unidos. La à ºnica condicià ³n es que la llegada tenga lugar a travà ©s de un aeropuerto autorizado para realizar este tipo de gestià ³n. Quà © esperar de la cita en la CBP El solicitante para ser enrolado en Entrada Global deberà ¡ presentarse a la hora y en el lugar indicado presentando dos formas de identificacià ³n. Los ciudadanos mostrarà ¡n sus pasaportes no expirados y los residentes sus tarjetas de residencia. Ademà ¡s, serà ¡ necesario llevar otro I.D. como por ejemplo la licencia de manejar. Al ser entrevistado se tomarà ¡ una foto y las huellas digitales del solicitante que se cotejarà ¡n con las bases de datos disponibles para al gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Por quà © puede ser denegada la peticià ³n Las razones por las que la solicitud para beneficiarse del programa Global Entry puede ser negada son varias, destacando entre ellas, las siguientes: La informacià ³n que se da en la aplicacià ³n es falsa o incompleta. Esto serà ­a un fraude de ley y darà ­a lugar a incontables problemas seriosEl solicitante està ¡ siendo investigado por una autoridad americana, federal, estatal o localHa violado en algà ºn momento leyes de inmigracià ³n, aduaneras o de agricultura en cualquier paà ­s. No es admisible para entrar en Estados Unidos en aplicacià ³n de las leyes migratorias (esto aplica sà ³lo a extranjeros, incluidos los residentes permanentes)Ha sido condenado previamente por un delito o està ¡ en bà ºsqueda y capturaLa CBP no puede verificar todo o parte del historial laboral, criminal o de residencia del solicitante y, por lo tanto, no se cumplen con el requisito de demostrar que no se es un riesgo bajo para la seguridad de los Estados Unidos Quà © pasa si la solicitud de Global Entry es aprobada A partir de ahà ­, cada vez que ingrese a Estados Unidos en vez de hacer fila y esperar su turno para ser procesado por Inmigracià ³n podrà ¡ dirigirse directamente al kiosko de Global Entry, pasar el pasaporte y poner sobre la mà ¡quina sus dedos para que se le tomen las huellas digitales. Es en este momento cuando se cubre en el kiosko la declaracià ³n de aduanas, tambià ©n conocida como formulario 6059B. Y automà ¡ticamente se le emitirà ¡ un recibo con el que ya puede ir a recoger su equipaje y proceder hacia Aduanas, donde se puede ser sometido a inspeccià ³n para controlar si trae algà ºn artà ­culo cuya entrada està ¡ prohibida en Estados Unidos. Ademà ¡s, todos los extranjeros que no son residentes permanentes legales en Estados Unidos deben notificar en persona en un centro de registracià ³n de Global Entry todos los cambios que pueden afectar a sus visas, como por ejemplo, la solicitud de renovacià ³n o de peticià ³n de otro tipo de visa. Si no se hace, puede haber problemas al llegar a Estados Unidos. A pesar de estar enrolado en este programa, es posible que en ocasiones la persona deba pasar controles inmigratorios adicionales. Ademà ¡s, si abusa de este programa sus privilegios pueden ser cancelados automà ¡ticamente.   Opciones a Global Entry para acelerar cruce del control migratorio Y por à ºltimo, conviene tener en cuenta que este programa aplica cuando se ingresa en Estados Unidos por aire y a travà ©s de uno de los aeropuertos en los que està ¡ en funcionamiento el programa de Entrada Global. Pero hay otros programas de cruce rà ¡pido de control migratorio como por ejemplo APC para estadounidenses y para ciudadanos del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas (chilenos, espaà ±oles) o  SENTRI para paso terrestre o marà ­timo entre Estados Unidos y Mà ©xico y su equivalente Nexus para el paso terrestre entre USA y Canadà ¡. Finalmente,  destacar que todas las personas que son miembros de Global Entry pueden participar en el programa TSA Pre que permite acelerar el paso por el  control de seguridad en los aeropuertos  de USA para vuelos domà ©sticos y tambià ©n internacionales con origen en los Estados Unidos. Quà © es la Global Entry Card Es una tarjeta que se puede emitir a los miembros del programa Global Entry y que ademà ¡s son ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos, residentes permanentes en este paà ­s o ciudadanos mexicanos. Para obtenerla es necesario entrar en el sistema de GOES donde se inicià ³ la aplicacià ³n para el Global Entry y seleccionar la opcià ³n  ¨activate membership card ¨.   La tarjeta contiene un chip con informacià ³n sensible y puede utilizarse para ingresar a Estados Unidos por un puerto marà ­timo o tambià ©n por una frontera terrestre utilizando las lineas designadas para SENTRI en el caso de frontera sur con Mà ©xico o para NEXUS, en el caso de frontera con Canadà ¡ o para Ready Line, reduciendo asà ­ los tiempos de espera para cruzar. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Julius Caesar is a Tragic Hero Essay - 908 Words

Julius Caesar is a Tragic Hero The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare is a tale not completely focused on Julius Caesar himself. But is instead focused more on the conspirators that surrounded him. Julius Caesar is unwilling to believe several warnings that could have saved his life, Julius Caesar ends up being murdered after ignoring all of the warnings, everyone has a different view of Julius Caesar. A tragic hero is a character of high standing in society that has a flaw that leads to their downfall and must feel enlightened in the end. Julius Caesar is a tragic hero. Julius Caesar is unwilling to believe several warnings that could have saved his life. Julius Caesar was warned many times by many different people and yet†¦show more content†¦That is until Decius tells Caesar that he shouldn’t be coerced by his wife’s dreams and Caesar decides to go with him to the Senate House. In the streets on the way to the Senate House is Caesar’s last warning. Artemidorus has writ ten him a letter telling him the names of all the conspirators. On the way to the Senate house Artemidorus tells Caesar to read this scroll immediately and Caesar replies â€Å"What, urge you your petitions in the street? Come to the Capitol† (935). Then Caesar walks off with the rest of them just following behind. Caesar ends up being murdered after ignoring all of the warnings. Caesar ignores all of the warnings about not coming to the Senate House on March 15th. It ends up being the day he gets brutally murdered. Stabbed to death by people he thought to be his friends. The conspirators are Brutus, Cassius, Casca, Trebonius, Ligarius, Decius, Metellus, and Cinna. Julius Caesar sits in his chair like usual and is approached by none other than one of the conspirators Metellus and he says â€Å"Is there no voice more worthy than my own, To sound more sweetly in great Caesar’s ear For the repealing of my banished brother?† (937). While Metellus is asking this all of the other conspirators are getting closer surrounding Caesar and joining in, in the asking for Publius Cimber to return. The conspirators know that this is an outrageous thing to ask of Caesar and are just using it as a guise to get closer to CaesarShow MoreRelatedJulius Caesar : A Tragic Hero934 Words   |  4 PagesJu lius Caesar is a work of art by William Shakespeare in 1599. Within this play Julius Caesar is portrayed as a tragic hero. A tragic hero is defined as â€Å"the main character of a tragedy [who is] usually dignified, courageous, and high ranking† (novel study guide). Also vital to defining a tragic hero is that, â€Å"the hero’s downfall is caused by a tragic flaw† ( novel study guide). It is very evident that Julius Caesar in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a tragic hero given that he is of nobleRead MoreJulius Caesar : A Tragic Hero863 Words   |  4 PagesJulius Caesar is a well known piece of literature written by William Shakespeare in 1599. Within this play Julius Caesar is portrayed as a tragic hero. A tragic hero is defined as â€Å"the main character of a tragedy (who is) usually dignified, courageous, and high ranking† (Novel Study Guide). Also vital to defining a tragic hero is that, â€Å"the hero’s downfall is caused by a tragic flaw† (Novel Study Guide). It is evident that Julius Caesar in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a tragic hero givenRead MoreJulius Caesar : A Tragic Hero1171 Words   |  5 PagesJulius Caesar Julius Caesar, the greatest war hero and most noble of all wanted to be praised by all Roman citizens wanted to achieve power to rule as a king. The play is set in ancient Rome in the year 44 B.C. when the Roman general Julius Caesar was almost ruler of the entire world at the highest point in his career. Within this play Julius Caesar is portrayed as a tragic hero. A tragic hero is defined as â€Å"the main character of a tragedy [who is] usually dignified, courageous, and high ranking†Read MoreJulius Caesar : A Tragic Hero937 Words   |  4 Pages Caesar the Great Julius Caesar is a work of art by William Shakespeare in 1599. Within this play Julius Caesar is portrayed as a tragic hero. A tragic hero is defined as â€Å"the main character of a tragedy [who is] usually dignified, courageous, and high ranking† (novel study guide). Also vital to defining a tragic hero is that, â€Å"the hero’s downfall is caused by a tragic flaw† ( novel study guide). It is very evident that Julius Caesar in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a tragic hero givenRead MoreJulius Caesar : A Tragic Hero849 Words   |  4 PagesThe Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare is the story of ancient Rome during the time that Caesar took over. Caesar returns to Rome, after defeating the former leader, Pompey. Cassius and other conspirators convince Brutus, a nobleman, to join in on their plot against Caesar. Brutus and the others gather around Caesar, on the ides of March, to stab him. They stabbed Caesar 23 times and eventually he d ies. Brutus takes over Rome, but followers of Caesar, Antony and Octavius, oppose BrutusRead MoreTragic Hero In Julius Caesar829 Words   |  4 Pages What is a tragic hero? A tragic hero is a person, of noble birth, with heroic potential but doomed by fate. The hero struggles against his fate but eventually fails because of a mistake or even a flaw. In Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, a character may come to mind and fit this definition, Marcus Brutus. In this play, Julius Caesar’s ambition for power drove the honorable Brutus to think negatively about Caesar’s position of being the king of Rome. The honorable Brutus shows hisRead MoreThe Tragic Hero Of Julius Caesar1793 Words   |  8 PagesAs Caesar dies, he gasps, â€Å"Et tu, Brute?† (III. i. 77). To betray a close friend for the better of the country only to have it end all in vain is a tragedy in its own. For Brutus, this is his journey in Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Although the play is named after Caesar, it is evident that Brutus is the tragic hero as the audience watches the events of the play unfold. Brutus’s characteristics and actions line up perfectly with Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero which statesRead More Julius Caesar - Tragic Hero Essay1028 Words   |  5 Pages Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero amp;#9;Julius Caesar is a play written by William Shakespeare during the year 1597. Julius Caesar’s story involves a conspiracy against Julius Caesar, a powerful senator. The play involves a highly respected senator, Brutus, who decides to join the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar, in the effort to keep democracy intact. Brutus believes that if Julius Caesar is allowed to live, Caesar will take a kingship and turn the government into a monarchy. Brutus, CassiusRead MoreJulius Caesar the True Tragic Hero1526 Words   |  7 Pagesonce said â€Å"A man doesn’t become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall.† These words best describe what a â€Å"Tragic Hero† is and both Julius Caesar and Brutus displayed this characteristic, so the question is â€Å"Who is the real tragic hero in this story?† This paper shall explore the reasons behind why each man is considered a hero in his own right and who the rightful owner to the title of the play truly belongs to. There have been countless tragic heroes in the works of William ShakespeareRead MoreJulius Caesar: The Quintessence of a Tragic Hero1156 Words   |  5 PagesShakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is the illustration of the demise of many respectable men. Typical of a tragedy, one character of high social standing experiences numerous downfalls brought on by a character flaw. This character is eventually brought to his or her knees by the misery and sorrow brought upon by these mistakes. It is at this point that the character realizes their flaws and changes their outlook. In Shakespeare’s tragedy, the tragic hero is Julius Caesar. In the play, Shakespeare

It240 Appendix B Free Essays

Axia College Material Appendix B LAN Operating Systems Scenarios Read the three scenarios below, then answer the questions that follow each scenario. 1. You are the network administrator for a new company that has 10 users and plans to add five more users within a year. We will write a custom essay sample on It240 Appendix B or any similar topic only for you Order Now The files need to be accessed by all 10 users and each user must have different security rights. What kind of network would you install and how would the pieces and components of this network relate to each other? Define each component. I would install a client-server network because a server network is ideal for sharing resources and data. In addition, server networks also provide security for those resources and data, allowing more clearance to those who need it, and less to those who don’t need it. These systems also have flexibility. As more clients join the system the established clients and servers remain the same. Since all of the data is stored on the server, data updates are easy. One of the best parts of a client-server network is scalability, where each computer client or server can be replaced when needed. 2. You are the network administrator for a company that has a peer-to-peer network. How would the pieces and components of this network relate to each other? Define all of the components of this type of network. Peer-to-peer networks are the types of computers that users normally have because they essentially have all workstations, however, they do not have a centralized system. Connected through network cables, each computer can choose to share its resources to the others. In addition, they are easy to set up and maintain because they have no servers to maintain and they are left on their own to run. Because of this, peer-to-peer networks are typically for smaller networks and therefore are cheaper to run. . You are the administrator of a client-server environment. What kind of network would you install and how would the pieces and components of this network relate to each other? Define each component of a typical client-server environment. I would install a local area network, or LAN, because it is a closed network and most devices and programs, such as printers, scanners, and software can be shared and accessed by all users. In addition, the software and resources can be centrally managed and files can be accessed by any workstation, and since the files are on a central file saver, they can be backed up more easily. How to cite It240 Appendix B, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Suicide in the Trenches Essay Example

Suicide in the Trenches Paper In the poem Suicide in the Trenches Siegfried Sassoon uses figurative language, descriptive detail, tone, structure and sound to create a powerful impression of the horror and wastage of war. War is viewed as a product of ignorance and it is equated with intense suffering and the destruction of all that is beautiful and innocent. The first stanza of the poem depicts a boy who is too simple or naive to understand the true horrific nature of war. The boy is described as carefree with no worries and sees nothing bad in life; he was a normal boy. He is able to sleep with no worries in a lonesome place with no light or hope unaware that his life is to change dramatically. The tone in this stanza is quiet upbeat for a poem that is about war and death. The boy symbolizes all the guys that went to war for us and lost their lives in many different horrific situations. We will write a custom essay sample on Suicide in the Trenches specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Suicide in the Trenches specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Suicide in the Trenches specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Stanza two presents imagery, which provides a stark contrast to the descriptive detail in stanza one. We notice the effects of war on this once innocent and simple boy. Sassoon describes the trenches as being a cold and depressing place with below average living standards. In the third line the boy puts a bullet through his brain a quick and deliberate end to his life. The pressure of war got to him and with a pull of the trigger he was forgotten about, as many soldier boys were when they passed on. Stanza three uses powerful and confronting language to highlight the fact that the war is based on ignorance and hypocrisy. By the abrupt use of the second person to open the stanza it makes the opening line seem confronting and vulgar. Sassoon put the people to shame by telling them to sneak home for they are cowards. This stanza has an angry tone to it, which creates guilt to the readers. Suicide in the Trenches is an antiwar poem, which appeals to both emotions and interest to the audience because of its effective use of techniques and language.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Talk About Geologic Time in Ma or Myr

Talk About Geologic Time in Ma or Myr Geologists have a bit of awkwardness in their language in talking about the deep past: distinguishing dates in the past from durations  or ages. Ordinary people dont have a problem with the weirdness of historical time- in 2017; we can easily say that an event in B.C.E. 200 happened 2216 years ago,  and that an object made back then is 2216 years old today. (Remember, there was no year 0.) But geologists have a need to separate out the two types of time with different abbreviations or symbols, and there is a debate about establishing a standard way of expressing it. A widespread practice has arisen in the last few decades that gives dates (not ages) in the format X Ma (x million years ago); for example, rocks that formed 5 million years ago are said to date from 5 Ma. 5 Ma is a point in time that is 5 million years from the present. And instead of saying that a rock is 5 Ma old, geologists use a different abbreviation, such as m.y., mya, myr, or Myr (all of which stand for millions of years, in reference to age or duration). This is a little awkward, but the  context makes things clear. Agreeing on a Definition for Ma Some scientists see no need for two different symbols or abbreviations, as something formed 5 million years before the present would indeed be 5 million years old. They are in favor of one system or set of symbols for all sciences, from geology and chemistry to astrophysics and nuclear physics. They wish to use Ma for both, which has caused some concern from geologists, who want to make the distinction and view it as unnecessarily confusing going forward to have Ma apply to both. Recently the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) convened a task force to decide on an official definition of the year to go into the Systà ¨me International or SI, the metric system. The exact definition isnt important here, but the symbol they chose, a, (for the Latin annus, which translates to year) would override geological custom by requiring everyone to use Ma for millions of years ago, ka for thousands of years ago, and Ga for billions of years ago, etc. everywhere. That would make writing geology papers somewhat harder, but we could adjust. But Nicholas Christie-Blick of Columbia University has looked more deeply at the proposal and cried foul in GSA Today. He raised an important question: How can SI accommodate the year as a derived unit when SI rules require that these must be simple powers of base units? The metric system is for physical quantities and measurable distances, not time: points in time are not units. Theres no room in the rules for a derived unit called the year, which would be defined as 31,556,925.445 s. Derived units are things like the gram (10 -3 kg). If this were a legal dispute, Christie-Blick would be arguing that the year has no standing. Start over, he says, and get buy-in from geologists.

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Purpose of Dissenting Opinions in the Supreme Court

The Purpose of Dissenting Opinions in the Supreme Court A dissenting opinion is an opinion written by a justice who disagrees with the majority opinion. In the U.S. Supreme Court, any justice can write a dissenting opinion, and this can be signed by other justices. Judges have taken the opportunity to write dissenting opinions as a means to voice their concerns or express hope for the future. What Happens When a Supreme Court Justice Dissents? The question is often asked why a judge or Supreme Court justice might want to write a dissenting opinion since, in effect, their side lost. The fact is that dissenting opinions can be used in a number of key ways. First of all, judges want to make sure that the reason why they disagreed with the majority opinion of a court case is recorded. Further, publishing a dissenting opinion can help make the writer of the majority opinion clarify their position. This is the example given by Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her lecture about dissenting opinions. Secondly, a justice might write a dissenting opinion in order to affect future judgments in cases about situations similar to the case in question. In 1936,  Chief Justice Charles Hughes stated that â€Å"A dissent in a Court of last resort is an the intelligence of a future day...† In other words, a justice might feel that the decision goes against the rule of law and hopes that similar decisions in the future will be different based on arguments listed in their dissent. For example, only two people disagreed in the Dred Scott v. Sanford case that ruled that African-American slaves should be viewed as property. Justice Benjamin Curtis wrote a forceful dissent about the travesty of this decision. Another famous example of this type of dissenting opinion  occurred when Justice John M. Harlan dissented to the  Plessy v. Ferguson  (1896) ruling, arguing against allowing racial segregation in the railway system. A third reason why a justice might write a dissenting opinion is in the hope that, through their words, they can get Congress to push forward legislation to correct what they see as issues with the way the law is written. Ginsburg talks about such an example for which she wrote the dissenting opinion in 2007. The issue at hand was the time frame within which a woman had to bring a suit for pay discrimination based on gender. The law was written quite narrowly, stating that an individual had to bring suit within 180 days of the discrimination occurring. However, after the decision was handed down, Congress took up the challenge and changed the law so that this time frame was greatly extended.   Concurring Opinions   Another type of opinion that can be delivered in addition to the majority opinion is a concurring opinion. In this type of opinion, a justice would agree with the majority vote but for different reasons than listed in the majority opinion. This type of opinion can sometimes be seen as a dissenting opinion in disguise. Sources Ginsburg, Hon. Ruth Bader. The Role of Dissenting Opinions. Minnesota Law Review. Sanders, Joe W. The Role of Dissenting Opinions In Louisiana. Louisiana Law Review, Volume 23 Number 4, Digital Commons, June 1963.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Market Efficiency and its implications for Macroeconomic Behaviour Essay

Market Efficiency and its implications for Macroeconomic Behaviour - Essay Example This paper studies all aspects of market efficiency and its implications for macroeconomic behavior. The behavioral economics challenged market efficiency hypothesis, which supposedly incorporates all information rationally, and instantly. The argument is based on that markets are not rational, but are driven by fear and greed. There were a lot of research in the cognitive neurosciences, which suggests that these two perspectives are opposite to each other. When money is put into the market, it is done with the aim of generating a return on the capital. Many investors try not only to make a profit but also to outperform, or beat, the market. According to the EMH, no investor has an advantage in predicting a return on a stock price . In order for a market to become efficient, investors must perceive that a market is inefficient and possible to beat. Investment strategies intended to take advantage of inefficiencies are actually keeping market efficient. Investment strategies intended to take advantage of inefficiencies are actually the fuel that keeps a market efficient. There are three identified classifications of the EMH: strong efficiency, semi-strong efficiency, and weak efficiency. The random walk theory asserts that price movements will not follow any patterns or trends and that past price movements cannot be used to predict future price movements. The debate about efficient markets has resulted in many empirical studies attempting to determine whether specific markets are in fact "efficient" and if so to what degree.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Macroeconomics. A fixed exchange rate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Macroeconomics. A fixed exchange rate - Essay Example 5. Using the closed economy IS-LM model, show how falls in business and consumer confidence can precipitate a deep and prolonged recession. Set out what Keynes meant when he advocated fiscal policy to solve the problem. 10 6. By what means may the monetary authorities maintain a fixed exchange rate Outline how devaluation may help a country experiencing difficulties under a fixed exchange rate regime and set out circumstances under which devaluation makes things worse. 13 The Keynes and Pigou effects can be understood in the context of the impact of a change in the money supply on consumption. The economists Keynes and Pigou studied the effects of a fall in wages and prices on real aggregate demand and attempted to determine what underlies the closed-economy AD curve. Keynes maintained that a fall in money wages and price levels would reduce the demand for money and result in a fall in interest rates, thereby taking the economy to full employment. This is known as the Keynes effect. This takes place, he explained, in a situation where the money supply is constant because a fall in price levels would increase the real money supply. ... rence between money supply and real money supply We define the money supply as the quantity of money supplied by the central bank and then assume that it is constant or unchanged for different price levels. However, if the money supply (represented by the variable M) is constant while the price level (P) falls, the real money supply (represented by the fraction M/P) increases. Therefore, a fall in P at constant M raises M/P, the real money supply that in effect represents the "value" of M, shifting the upward sloping L-M curve to the right, with effects that are analogous to those of an increase in M. Increasing M has the effect of bringing the interest rate down, generating a rise in investment spending. Businesses will expand to increase production, employment will rise, and so would output and consumption. The effect would be small (that is, the AD curve is steep) if either (a) the L-M curve is quite flat so that the fall in the interest rate is small, or (b) the downward sloping I-S curve is steep, so that falls in interest rate will have little effect on spending. In standard textbooks, the derivation of the closed economy aggregate demand (AD) curve relies entirely on the Keynes effect. Pigou studied the same phenomenon and maintained that lower prices would encourage consumption, thereby boosting total income and employment. This is known as the Pigou effect. Like Keynes, he observed that a fall in prices would raise the real money supply (M/P), which raises wealth and stimulates a rise in consumption. This shifts the I-S curve to the right. The Pigou effect is largest when the Keynes effect is smallest (that is, the L-M curve flat and the I-S curve steep). This phenomenon, also known as the real balance effect, is based on the assumption that part of

Friday, January 24, 2020

Vagueness and Identity :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

Vagueness and Identity ABSTRACT: The view that identity can be vague holds that there are statements of identity which are neither true nor false. The view that composition can be vague holds that unities can have borderline constituents — that is, elements that are neither parts nor non-parts of some larger unity. The case for vague identity is typically made by way of an argument for the vagueness of composition. In this paper, however, I argue that the thesis that composition can be vague is actually incompatible with the thesis of vague identity. The argument for the incompatibility of these two views arises out of a demonstration of the way in which constituency facts (even vague constituency facts) are grounded in the other facts about how a larger unity is configured. Thus, I show that composites that are allegedly vaguely identical are actually different configurations. Hence, the alliance of vague composition with vague identity is taken to be all that is needed in order to show that compos itional vagueness is indefensible. I It is sometimes held that, like other things, identity can be vague.But care should be taken about what this means. The claim that identity can be vague is best understood as the claim that there can be statements of identity which are indeterminate in truth value. This view gains in attractiveness when the precision of the concept of identity is contrasted with the lack of precision endemic to various criteria of identity. As Sainsbury notes, diachronic artifact identity must surely be governed by principles such as this: "Replacing some, but not too many, parts of an artifact does not destroy it, but leaves the very same artifact". Such principles are vague. How could the identity relation, which they determine, be precise? Considerations like these extend to members of natural kinds like mountains and cows as well. What's consistent throughout these views is that identity requires enough of the appropriate sort of continuity. This reliance on continuity goes for not only the way w e re-identify things over time, but for the way we individuate objects at a time as well. So for example, spatio-temporal continuity at least partially explains how it is that at Broadway and 42nd I am standing on the same road I stood on when I was at Broadway and 41st. Since identity deciding conditions like continuity and contiguousness can be weak or strong or more or less, it appears the vagueness of those concepts has a limiting effect on how precise identity claims can be.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Military: Leadership and Discipline

Discipline Leadership Responsibilities and Duties Importance to the Military Discipline: Training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental facilities or moral character; the discipline to a superior authority. [Defined by Webster]. Discipline to me means that you are capable of accepting the norms. You respect the commands given from a higher authority or the leader in charge. Training your mind to think in a routine way of life, being able to accept the responsibilities of what you do and/or don’t do.In the world of the military discipline is a major factor. It defines your future and what you do or how your career will turn out. Max Anders says, â€Å"Only the disciplined ever get really good at anything. † Everything in life requires some sort of discipline. Whether it is hitting a baseball, climbing a mountain, playing a musical instrument, making good grades or brushing your teeth it all comes down to a matter of discipline. The core of a superior soldier is sai d to be moral disciple. Morals are principles and beliefs concerning rights and wrongs of behavior). Discipline tends to be important because it is the basis of todays and yesterday’s soldiers. In the Army discipline comes in many forms and fashions: PRT, drill and ceremony, basic commands given, routine life, training the body, etc. Discipline is something you need to have to live a military life and be successful. Leadership: the position or function of a leader; a person who guides or directs a group; the ability to lead. [Defined by Webster].A leader in the military life is usually the most â€Å"squared-away† soldier. One that had the discipline to know and correct another when one needs help or is the wrong. I feel that when it comes to the military one who is a soldier has to have discipline. You can not be a leader and not have the discipline to lead a group/platoon to success. Leadership means you have the discipline to maintain yourself as well as the rest fo llowing you. Being in a leadership role means that you are capable of leading by direction and following direction at the same time.As a leader you should never have the ones you are leading do something you yourself would not do. You have to lead as being lead. â€Å"Never forget that no military leader has ever become great without audacity. If the leader is filled with high ambition and if he pursues his aims with audacity and strength of will, he will reach them in spite of all obstacles. † As quoted by Karl von Clausewitz. Leadership and discipline go hand and hand in the army. I feel that you can not have one without the other. Along with that goes the Army core values.With the right discipline noticed by the right sergeant/officer you are most-likely to be a leader of a platoon or group given. Both topics are important to the military way of life without these 2 subjects the army would have no foundation. Soldiers in the leadership position guide the platoon to a succe ssful mission. Soldiers with the right discipline tend to lead the mission to victory. Without the 2 come many consequences: loss of rank; money, leadership positions, suspension etc. Personally I feel that a great leader has discipline.Being a leader without discipline you have nothing. Being a good leader to me means that you leave your mark on the ones who follow you. When another leader comes to charge, the soldiers that you have lead will know if that leader is good or not based on the path left behind. â€Å"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on. † – Walter Lippmann, 1889-1974. A good leader will continue to lead weather they are in a leadership position or not. As said before it is a basic foundation to get the mission completed.The military’s discipline is also know and having military bearing, knowing where to act in accordance. Commissioned officers and officers would have to make s wift decisions in the battlefield that may affect the lives of their soldiers. In a world of chaos, their subordinates are relying on their leaders to make the right decision and trusting that those big decisions made is the best out of all the options given. Leaders should be able to make these big decisions with all his confidence projecting out with his military bearing.A leader should look like a leader, disciplined, confident, and has the skills and abilities to persuade and provide their subordinates with the motivation, direction and purpose so as to accomplish a mission without being easily rattled by problems that arises. One who leads has to have the proper discipline to be a great leader. With these words sergeant who lead me also feel that I’m a great leader with the proper discipline to lead. Duty: Obligatory task, conduct service or functions that arise from ones position; assigned service or business. Defined by Webster]. At each level of authority soldiers hav e certain responsibilities or duties that they must fulfill. Duty begins with everything required of you by law, regulation, and orders but it includes much more than that. A duty is a legal or moral obligation. Duties are assigned at different levels rank for set reasons. As a private or non-NCO you may not hold as many responsibilities compared to an NCO, which can hold numerous amounts of duties that all are required to be fulfilled in a timely manner.Responsibilities: The quality or state of being responsible. [Defined by Webster]. Responsibilities are set to enforce task and make sure they are carried out properly. They are set for a numerous amounts of reasons. Some responsibilities are set to see how well an individual performs under certain task, time limits. Others may be set to get a task or chore done. All of these things combined are qualities that make or break a soldier. If you lack one the possibilities are great that you may lack another. Military: Leadership and Discipline Discipline Leadership Responsibilities and Duties Importance to the Military Discipline: Training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental facilities or moral character; the discipline to a superior authority. [Defined by Webster]. Discipline to me means that you are capable of accepting the norms. You respect the commands given from a higher authority or the leader in charge. Training your mind to think in a routine way of life, being able to accept the responsibilities of what you do and/or don’t do.In the world of the military discipline is a major factor. It defines your future and what you do or how your career will turn out. Max Anders says, â€Å"Only the disciplined ever get really good at anything. † Everything in life requires some sort of discipline. Whether it is hitting a baseball, climbing a mountain, playing a musical instrument, making good grades or brushing your teeth it all comes down to a matter of discipline. The core of a superior soldier is sai d to be moral disciple. Morals are principles and beliefs concerning rights and wrongs of behavior). Discipline tends to be important because it is the basis of todays and yesterday’s soldiers. In the Army discipline comes in many forms and fashions: PRT, drill and ceremony, basic commands given, routine life, training the body, etc. Discipline is something you need to have to live a military life and be successful. Leadership: the position or function of a leader; a person who guides or directs a group; the ability to lead. [Defined by Webster].A leader in the military life is usually the most â€Å"squared-away† soldier. One that had the discipline to know and correct another when one needs help or is the wrong. I feel that when it comes to the military one who is a soldier has to have discipline. You can not be a leader and not have the discipline to lead a group/platoon to success. Leadership means you have the discipline to maintain yourself as well as the rest fo llowing you. Being in a leadership role means that you are capable of leading by direction and following direction at the same time.As a leader you should never have the ones you are leading do something you yourself would not do. You have to lead as being lead. â€Å"Never forget that no military leader has ever become great without audacity. If the leader is filled with high ambition and if he pursues his aims with audacity and strength of will, he will reach them in spite of all obstacles. † As quoted by Karl von Clausewitz. Leadership and discipline go hand and hand in the army. I feel that you can not have one without the other. Along with that goes the Army core values.With the right discipline noticed by the right sergeant/officer you are most-likely to be a leader of a platoon or group given. Both topics are important to the military way of life without these 2 subjects the army would have no foundation. Soldiers in the leadership position guide the platoon to a succe ssful mission. Soldiers with the right discipline tend to lead the mission to victory. Without the 2 come many consequences: loss of rank; money, leadership positions, suspension etc. Personally I feel that a great leader has discipline.Being a leader without discipline you have nothing. Being a good leader to me means that you leave your mark on the ones who follow you. When another leader comes to charge, the soldiers that you have lead will know if that leader is good or not based on the path left behind. â€Å"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on. † – Walter Lippmann, 1889-1974. A good leader will continue to lead weather they are in a leadership position or not. As said before it is a basic foundation to get the mission completed.The military’s discipline is also know and having military bearing, knowing where to act in accordance. Commissioned officers and officers would have to make s wift decisions in the battlefield that may affect the lives of their soldiers. In a world of chaos, their subordinates are relying on their leaders to make the right decision and trusting that those big decisions made is the best out of all the options given. Leaders should be able to make these big decisions with all his confidence projecting out with his military bearing.A leader should look like a leader, disciplined, confident, and has the skills and abilities to persuade and provide their subordinates with the motivation, direction and purpose so as to accomplish a mission without being easily rattled by problems that arises. One who leads has to have the proper discipline to be a great leader. With these words sergeant who lead me also feel that I’m a great leader with the proper discipline to lead. Duty: Obligatory task, conduct service or functions that arise from ones position; assigned service or business. Defined by Webster]. At each level of authority soldiers hav e certain responsibilities or duties that they must fulfill. Duty begins with everything required of you by law, regulation, and orders but it includes much more than that. A duty is a legal or moral obligation. Duties are assigned at different levels rank for set reasons. As a private or non-NCO you may not hold as many responsibilities compared to an NCO, which can hold numerous amounts of duties that all are required to be fulfilled in a timely manner.Responsibilities: The quality or state of being responsible. [Defined by Webster]. Responsibilities are set to enforce task and make sure they are carried out properly. They are set for a numerous amounts of reasons. Some responsibilities are set to see how well an individual performs under certain task, time limits. Others may be set to get a task or chore done. All of these things combined are qualities that make or break a soldier. If you lack one the possibilities are great that you may lack another.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Essay about The Vark Questionnaire How Do I Learn Best

The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best? VARK questionnaire is composed of many fundamentals that associated with people’s preferred learning styles. VARK questionnaire help leaners identify their specific learning methods to focus on learning material with important segments. Any profession can use VARK learning methods to teach or introduce study materiel to their associates. The VARK questionnaire is based on four scores and there are five different learning strategies and they are, multimodal, visual, aural, read-write, kinesthetic. When an Individual takes the VARK questionnaire assessment, they will be scored under these four learning methods: visual aural, read/write, and kinesthetic. Each individual learning method are†¦show more content†¦They are uncertain about any learning that comes in only one way and they want to reinforce it by adding other modes of input or output. This group tends to have total VARK scores above 30 though the boundaries are not definite. (Please use citations from VARK mul timodal extend report). Accruing a score of 47 definitely place my learning strategies in multimodal with Whole-sense approach group. This composed of Taking notes as much as possible Writing down lectures and rewriting same lecture after class Join study group and go over lectures with partners Reprocessing lectures into my own words (phrase) Assure lecture notes are correct (compare with study group) Questing unsure study material, until clear answers are provided In comparison of my preferred learning strategies and VARK identified strategies for myself were exactly identical. Different learning strategies assure the context in every lecture or study materials are well explained. Also with the application of VARK, individuals can breakdown and simplify challenging subjects. For example, students can draw out lectures or reading out lectures loudly can identify the doubts existed in particular part and can seek for clarification. At high school my approach (cultural based institutional approach) totally based on reading/writing. Aural methods of learning start fading at junior high, andShow MoreRelatedVark Questionnaire Paper860 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"VARK† is a questionnaire of about 16 questions that provides people with their preference of learning style. The learning styles that VARK offers can help people develop additional and effective strategies for learning and for making your communication skills better. The styles that this questionnaire determines are Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic, or you can be multimodal which means you have a multiple learning preference. In this paper I will summarize the results received after takingRead MoreWhat Does It Can Help Teachers Design And Deliver Instruction That Meets Different Learning Styles And Preferences Essay1074 Words   |  5 PagesDESCRIPTION VARK is a fun, short, simple inventory with lots of practical educational applications. In this lesson, we will discuss how it can help teachers design and deliver instruction that meets different learning styles and preferences. !!!What is VARK? How many times have you hear students say, â€Å"I just don’t get it!† It is always important to try to provide instruction that addresses student learning styles. As a teacher, you already try to modify instruction so that all your students can learn; howeverRead MoreVark Learning Styles807 Words   |  4 PagesLearning strategies and VARK analysis defines a student as â€Å"a person formally engaged in learning† (Student, 2012). Students of any age know that comprehending and retaining information is essential to educational success. Just as every student had unique physical attributes, they also have unique learning styles in which they best retain new and important information. The VARK (Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic) is a questionnaire that is given to help individual findRead MoreThe Questionnaire On Learning Styles Essay969 Words   |  4 Pages The VARK questionnaire has 16 questions to help determine how an individual learns best. The VARK questionnaire was created by Neil D. Fleming ( who was trying to figure out why some students that had the best teachers was unable to learn as much as they did from some teachers with questionable teaching skills. The VARK stands for the learning styles: V-visual, A-aural, R-reading/writing, and K-kinesthetic. The visual learner is a person that wouldRead MoreVark Questionnaire906 Words   |  4 PagesVARK Analysis Paper Elaine Boyd Grand Canyon University May 24, 2015 VARK Analysis Paper According to the VARK questionnaire the learning strategy that best describes this student’s style is multimodal learning style. 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Based on the answers providedRead MoreDescribe Your Learning Style821 Words   |  4 PagesRunning head: How Do I Learn Best How Do I Learn Best Kelli Powell Grand Canyon University: NRS 429V September 30, 2012 What is a learning style? Well a learning style is the way a person tends to learn best. It involves your preferred method of taking in, organizing, and making sense of information, Lake Washington Institute of Technology (2012). Some people prefer to learn by doing and touching, others prefer to learn by seeing, or by hearing the information. Still others learn using moreRead MoreVark Analysis Essay1033 Words   |  5 PagesVARK Analysis VARK Analysis Family Health Promotion August 12, 2010 VARK Analysis There are several methods used to determine learning styles. â€Å"A learning style is, rather, a description of a process, or of preferences. Any inventory that encourages a learner to think about the way that he or she learns is a useful step towards understanding, and hence improving, learning† (Fleming, N., Baume, D., 2006, p.4). . One of the most commonly used learning styles is the Fleming VARK modelRead MoreNew Modes For Teaching Skills And For Knowledge Acquiring933 Words   |  4 PagesAll modern societies will agree on new modes for teaching skills and for knowledge acquiring. According to comprehensive understanding of teaching and learning, it has to involve in all the cognitive and analytical functions of the human brain. VARK similarly a method which tries to cover all human brain’s capabilities, like, Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic capacities of the brain. Neil Fleming in 1987 introduced this model of learning and teaching, specifically for the field of ScienceRead MoreExplore the different learning theories and learning styles Essay865 Words   |  4 Pagesthis case study assignment, I will be writing about what Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic (VARK) learning style or styles I have and how it relates to two different learning theories. I will also be discussing how my identified VARK learning style or styles will affect my online educational pursuit. â€Æ' After taking the Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic VARK questionnaire study, I found based upon the answers to the questions I was asked, I was deemed to have a multimodal